
Burst R9: Light of Fangs

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Trainer-Tad's avatar

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So bright, those memories from Miss Anise's head. Made me smile despite the darkness that swiftly closed around me. Soon, though, the darkness began to feel oddly good, easing the aches from my time with Medicham. And before I knew it, the shadows went away, leaving me blinking at the lights of Area One.

I saw Mister Esrever, the real Esrever, bleeding. I looked around at my fellow competitors while the mysterious burst warrior talked. Ridley was there, and Mister Raven too, and some others I didn't know. They all looked angry at what Mister Esrever was saying, and I couldn't blame them. A tantrum, really?
Those brothers of his acted more immature than the other burst warriors had been when they were made my age! What's their problem anyway!? They've been doing all this to us and THEY'RE upset!? That's just--

Suddenly, I felt glass rain down on me as the lights cut off. What now?

“Take this,” Mister Esrever's voice said from the new darkness, while a new burst heart was pressed into my hand, “and get to the center of the Dome!”

Around me I heard cries of alarm from everyone else, and strange sounds out of the darkness. I stared, slack jawed, at the light barely visible out in the Dome's middle.

“Hey Tad,” Ridley said, placing his hand on my shoulder, “you should burst. You never know how dangerous the Dome can be.”

“Yeah,” Raven said from my other side, “especially with those two throwing a damn tantrum.”

“R-right...” I gripped the burst heart in my hand tightly, focusing on it. In no time, I felt heat flash through me as I fused with the strange Pokemon inside the gem. Fur sprouted all over, a tail grew into place, and new ears replaced my old. I felt warm. I felt confident. “Okay, I'm ready for anything now!”

“Good, let's go!” Raven and Ridley ran off, into the Dome.

I started for the Dome, but stopped short right at the exit from Area One. In the dark, I couldn't see them or anyone else. For just a moment, my fur stood on end, like I had just rubbed against a ba--

I jumped back just before a Thunderbolt flashed through the space I had just been in. Despite the dots dancing in my eyes from the sudden brightness, I could just barely make out the silhouette of the two hosts, fading into the returned darkness. Those guys were such jerks, attacking us like this!

Raven and Ridley were right, the Dome would be dangerous. No, the whole station would! I looked around, trying my best to pierce through the darkness, but all I could make out was the strips on the walls. I heard shouts and screams from the others, both in and out of the Dome. Those jerks, putting us through all this.

I took a step closer to the Dome, then stopped again. Looking into the mysterious middle section of the station sent a chill up my spine. It seemed bigger than its actual size, as usual, but completely dark, except for the portal in the center, as well as flashes of lightning and bright beams of light from the hosts' shadowy forms.

I gulped. “Th-that's... I don't think I wanna go in there a--”

Before I could finish my sentence, a blast of water hit my chest, knocking me down. I sprung back up, snarling. From the heat I'd felt earlier, and how badly that attack had hurt, it was easy to deduce that the Pokemon in this burst heart was a fire-type. Real helpful when there's jets of water spraying everywhere. I backed further away from the Dome entrance, keeping a fearful eye on the shafting darkness all around.

Inside my head, the Pokemon continued snarling. After a minute, I thought of an important question to ask it.

“Uh...” I gulped, trying to calm myself. “D-do you have anything that makes some light?” I listened carefully, sure through my prior experience that the Pokemon would be able to reply. And sure enough, it soon did!

“Grrrr, of course, idiot,” it snapped, “open your mouth wide, alright!?”

I sighed, flicking my tail at the insult. “Okay, n-no problem.” I took a deep breath, still glancing about warily. Then, I opened my mouth as wide as possible. The area right in front of me lit up, just in time to highlight another Hydro Pump heading towards me. I dodged to the side, snapping my mouth closed in the process. Almost immediately, I rekindled the flame now lighting my way.

“Watch out dummy,” the Pokemon said, “water hurts!”

“I know that!” With another flick of my tail, I headed off, bolstered by newfound courage due to the fire burning on my teeth. I rushed back through Area One, searching for someone else who had still not entered the Dome.

Up on the second floor, I glimpsed Miss Taz, still unbursted, ducking into her room. Not really wanting to disturb the usually angry woman, I moved on, dodging a shadowy claw that swiped at my head. I continued down the second floor hallway, searching. I looked in all the rooms, hoping to find someone else, anyone else, who had been afraid to enter the dark, chaotic Dome alone.

Before too long, I saw someone walking down the hallway. “Tad, what the hay,” Miss Anise asked upon drawing close enough to see, “We're supposed to be in the Dome!” She stopped just in front of me.

“Uh... I kinda got separated from the everyone, and, um...” I looked down, cheeks heating up, glad that the dark and my fur probably hid my blushing. “I was, uh, too afraid to go in alone.”

Miss Anise was silent for a few moments after this admission, then she laughed.

I glared at her, lighting my teeth again to make sure I could see her.

“S-sorry, Tad. The you I know is...” She sighed, glancing above me before continuing. “He's not scared of stuff like this so much.”

I took a step back, almost grinning. I had been scared of quite a few things ever since I was real little, and knowing that I would be braver as an adult made me pretty happy. This happiness started evaporating, however, when I caught a glimpse of Perle's silhouette  out of the corner of my eye. My smile totally disappeared as I turned to look fully at the figure in the shadows. “I-I must get brave cause of Rachel, eh?”

“Yeah, I guess...” Miss Anise trailed off, evidently focusing on Perle as much as I was.

We watched the silhouette, waiting for it to do something. After a long moment, a jet of water shot out, straight at us. We jumped out of the way just in time, me landing on my face. As I stood back up, I heard footsteps approaching.

I re-lit my flames just in time to see Miss Taz running over, her weird suit on again, giving her burst form a more robotic appearance.

“What are you two doin',” she asked, glaring at us, “this isn't the Dome, ya know!”

Miss Anise sighed. “I was looking for Tad.” She glanced at me. “And he was scared.”

I turned away, not saying a word so as to keep the flame lit. Inside, though, I was fuming.

“Scared, huh? Well, he is a kid.” Miss Taz's hand touched my shoulder, but I quickly shurgged it off.

“C-come on, let's go.” I marched off, not waiting for the others to follow. Despite my annoyance, I was glad when I saw Miss Anise step up beside me, and even the addition of Miss Taz's footsteps from the other side helped me feel better. I may not have wanted Miss Anise telling anyone I was afraid, but it was the truth, and having more people with me made me feel braver.

We made our way back through Area One, Miss Anise doing her best to protect me from the shadowy hosts' attacks while Miss Taz attemped to fight them head-on.

Finally, we arrived back at the Dome. Miss Taz went in first, without any hesitation, but I paused at the entrance. I had almost decided to run and hope I could find a place to hide when Miss Anise grabbed my hand and led me inside.

We ran through the Dome, dodging attacks from all sides. Occasional flashes of lightning revealed other burst warriors doing the same as us. After a frightening dash that seemed to go on forever, we joined several other burst warriors at our destination: the portal that hopefully led somewhere safe.
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Kila-T-E's avatar
Can't say I blame him for being scared, it would be reckless not to worry about the dark and the unknown considering time and space is against us XD